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The NOWCC SEE Program encourages training for enrollees whenever possible to enhance performance and increase skill levels. Training should be relevant to the enrollee's position description. All training must be approved in advance by the Monitor. Monitors should always check with their funding sources to make sure funds are available before committing to the training.

Enrollees are encouraged, with monitor prior approval, to utilize EPA’s online training tools. 

Authorization & Reimbursement

A completed Training/Conference Authorization and Payment Request form is necessary when you are requesting the NOWCC SEE Program to:

  • pay the vendor in advance,
  • reimburse you for paying the vendor, or
  • pay the vendor invoice.

The original Training/Conference Authorization Request Form is to be emailed directly to NOWCC Accounts Payable at accountspayable@nowcc.org after being signed by your EPA Monitor. Please copy your NOWCC Field Representative. 

Training for which there is no charge does not require the completion of a Training/Conference Authorization and Payment Request form.

Travel with Training

When travel costs are incurred with training, please refer to the Travel section for instructions on the submission of travel expenses.